多謝香港競走運動員程小雅支持Style HK


謝謝香港競走運動員程小雅支持 Style HK! ☺️

Style Dr. CHAIR Plus 獨有的「三點支撐」設計為腰部、臀部和腿部提供承托,有效分散體壓,減輕對身體的負擔。備有藍色與深啡色以供選擇,適合各類室內設計。

Style Dr. CHAIR Plus:




Repost from @jessicaching211

Thank you @style.hong.kong for sending me this lovely chair. Perfect for me to chill and relax at home 🏠. Its chiropractic support system stabilises my posture by supporting the waist, hip and thighs. I really enjoy the way it
wraps around my spine and ilium from both sides😃. And the 80° between the backrest and seat allows me to naturally lie back and maintain good posture.
#StyleHK #Style姿優墊 #StyleDrChairPlus #SHLABHK #信興集團