How to apply a Promo Code?

  1. Add eligible items to the shopping cart and proceed through the checkout steps.
  2.  When you reach the “My Cart” page, enter the promo code in the “Promotion Code” filed and then click Apply.
  3. The order total on the bottom of the page should now reflect the discounted amount.
  4. Click Continue to complete your transaction.


Member Promo Code (“Promo Code”) – Terms & Conditions:

  1. The Promo Code is valid from 00:01 of 01 Jan 2021 to 23:59 of 31 Jan 2021 .
  2. The Promo Code is only applicable for selected products, while stocks last.
  3. The Promo Code is only applicable on
  4. To redeem the Promo Code, please enter and apply the Promo Code at the field of “Promo Code” in “My Cart” page.
  5. Only one Promo Code can be used per transaction.
  6. The Promo Code cannot be used in conjunction with other Promo Code or discounts, cannot be used for any business purpose and cannot be exchanged for cash or other offer.
  7. The Promo Code is not applicable for settling delivery fee.
  8. The discounted price shall be rounded to the nearest dollar (if applicable).
  9. All time is based on the time of receipt by the server of Shun Hing Life And Beauty Company Limited.
  10. Shun Hing Life And Beauty Company Limited reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time without notice.
  11. In case of any disputes, Shun Hing Life And Beauty Company Limited reserves the right of final decision.
  12. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese version of this Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.